The Solutions Of Moisture Vapor Migration

Barrier-Bac products lineup — the benefits VB-250 — the cost efficient solution to moisture migration. VB-350 — high performance with low permeance VBC-350 — super peel adhesion strength
Barrier-Bac products lineup — the benefits1 VB-250 — the cost efficient solution to moisture migration.2 VB-350 — high performance with low permeance3 VBC-350 — super peel adhesion strength4

Welcome to the homepage of Barrier-Bac – the real solution to the moisture vapor migration problem. Barrier-Bac is a high performance under slab vapor retarder developed specifically for the concrete construction industry to retard moisture migration through concrete slabs.

Mold is the fastest growing risk management problem in the United States today. Barrier-Bac helps prevent mold from entering slabs, reducing the risks involved with inhabitants’ health and reducing the cost associated with “repairing” mold growth. It may also be used to control radon, methane, sulphates and many other soil contaminants.

Barrier-Bac products are mechanical interface vapor retarder that exceed ASTM E 1745 and ACI 302 requirements. Each Barrier-Bac product is comprised of cross-laminated polyolefin films to ensure the superior performance.

News & Events

Barrier-Bac Is Listing on MasterSpec

Barrier-Bac products are now listing on the most popular master guide specification library that design professionals use to design construction projects - MasterSpec. You can click the link to see the MasterSpec version of Barrier-Bac specifications.

Barrier-Bac on MasterSpec